
"I've heard stories of how people moved into an apartment rich and suddenly become poor in Lagos"- Woman Shares Personal Experience

"I've heard stories of how people moved into an apartment rich and suddenly become poor in Lagos"- Woman  Shares Personal Experience

In Lagos state,i have heard stories about houses with demonic foundation,on how people moved into an apartment been rich and suddenly became poor, but I don't believe in such stories as I don't think they exist.

Shortly before my wedding,my husband and I rented a very beautiful 3bedroom flat in a fine estate,it was a new house painted with off white colour, well tiled and all ensuit,we were so excited we got a beautiful house..

Then after our wedding,i moved in with my hubby to start a new life.
In the month of June exactly 2weeks after our wedding to be precise, that afternoon it was raining when I heard a knock at the door, on opening the door, it was our landlord and his wife who came to present us a wedding gift,we thanked them, opened the gift,we prayed over it, then I took the gift to the third room where we kept other gifts.

Afterwards on the same day in the evening,hubby went to night shift cos he works with the airport,i was alone in the house, suddenly I had this great urge in my spirit to stay awake and pray in the midnight,so I decided to stay in the parlour watching movies till I slept off, at exactly 11:30 I woke up,i heard a voice telling me to stand up and pray,but I was waiting till quarter to 12am, the voice came again then I stood up,switched the parlour light off, on going to my room which had a long passage, there I saw a long black snake lying at the front of our room''oh my God I exclaimed!!!I quickly rushed to the other flat to call my neighbours for an assistance.

They came with sticks and cutlass searched everywhere but found nothing,then I decided to sleep in my Neighbor house who always pray along with us pst&pst Mrs Olugbenga Oludaisi.

Next morning,hubby returned from work,they ransacked the whole house again with aboki guys but found nothing,they all assumed that it had crawled out to where it came from,not knowing that we were living in the house with snake for 2weeks before hubby saw it and killed it. 

That begins our battle with wild animal as I could not count the number of scorpions killed in that house including spiders.
Little did I know that we have entered into spiritual warfare as life became tough, I lost my job first with IBPLC, things were stagnant,no promotion for hubby, expenses increased when baby came, payment of bills became an issue and when that happened frustration follow join. 

Then I stepped into aggressive prayer as led in my spirit to fast and pray for 7days,i began the prayer and on the third day I was washing in the bathroom when I decided to check my baby sitting in the baby's trolley watching cartoon,as I got to the parlour,i lifted my eyes to the wall,i was shocked to see over 30 spiders assembled at a spot,what!!??my body shivers, where do they emanate from? I don't know as I have never seen such numbers of spiders at a spot in my life, not even in the village where we have bushes and trees. 

Meanwhile before then we have been experiencing cobweb tied around the house, no matter how you dust and clean before you wake up the next day they have tied rope around chairs and the house will looks as if nobody lives in the house for months appearing like ancient house.

So I quickly pick my phone and informed hubby, he instructed that I should spray insecticides on them but I knew that it was not a spraying matter but a spiritual matter. 
When hubby came back we decided to go into midnight prayers to wage war against evil animals.For the weapon of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God 2cor 10:4.

We prayed and prayed and God answered,in a dream one day I saw a black goat rushed outside from our guest toilet with fear, when I woke up I knew it was a sign of victory.Friends if we don't pray, one will become a prey in the hand of the enemy.

Months after  God showed up,hubby bought a new car,two weeks after I was called for a job interview with Gtbank through divine connection and same month I was pregnant but I never knew that I was pregnant.

I resumed work with Gtbank only to find out that I was pregnant''oh my God what will happen''😪
Everyone knows that no company will employ a pregnant woman most especially in bank,then I started having symptoms during training,i will be dosing and this draw the attention of some staff, one of the supervisors jokingly asked whether I was pregnant,i have to say the truth, before I realised it,i was advised to report back to HR.

I felt bad,then I summoned the courage to approach the pretty manager who has a good managerial skills and also control about 200 staff, she sat me down, explain why she won't retain me,first she had a lot of pregnant women in the contact centre who will soon be due for maternity leave, reason why she requested for additional staff to replace them while on leave, I felt bad while she encouraged me to come back after my delivery but I was not happy. 

I returned back home disappointed and  I became worried ''why''? Because I have gone to church for thanksgiving,testified to His goodness,moreso neighbours now know that I got another job as I was so excited. 

will I now go back to my boring life again by staying at home watching movies,neighbours coming to dump their kids in my house, because am jobless while some will give me keys to keep for their sisters because am always available, one will even call me from her office to help her pack her cloth outside when raining,will I say no after all I am jobless, all these put together became my worry,hubby told me not to worry. 

But I refused to give up, each morning I dressed up as if am going to the office but I resumed in the church to pray to God for divine intervention, asking God to touch the manager's heart and grant me favour.For the Bible said that''The earth is the Lord and it's fullness PS 24:1 He owns the heart of a king and direct it to wither soever He wishes and also control the affairs of men, all these are my petition before God and God did answered my prayers

After a week thereabout, I received a call from HR by Bolanle to resume back to the office,isn't God awesome?Yes He is!! And who says God does not answer prayers?i resume  back to work and everyone looks at me with wonders, some says Della you are lucky but I know the one behind my victory''JESUS''.

Dear friend, God has powers to do all things,if you lay your problem at His feet,He will surely help you out,our God is a gracious father, He wrote the lines on our palm,He has our destiny in His hand,He is waiting for you to bring your request to him for He delight so much in our well being. 

He said cast all your cares on him for He cares for you 1pet 5:7.As a believer God has deposited powers into your life, it is therefore important that you recognised it and use it to claim your victory in Christ.Gods plan for us is to operate as god's on earth PS 82:6,we are created in His likeness to dominate,so stand up and  occupy your place of dominion,refuse to give up. 

In addition,i encourage you to develop a holy anger towards your unpleasant situation and you will surely see God manifesting His powers, run to Him today for your needs, He is waiting,run to Him, He is ABLE.

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