
End Time: "I Saw A Burnung Fire In The Sky In Real Life And Terrified"- Man Shares Scary Live Revelations

End Time Signs: "I Saw A Burnung Fire In The Sky Physically And Terrified"- Man Shares Scary Live Revelations God Shows Him

I decided to share my personal chat with a brother in the Lord for you to see. This spiritually gifted brother shared a

lengthy chats of a close brother, scary live revelation of end time which signified that the end is near.


 Good afternoon Mr David 

I called you ...

But you ain't picking up...

Mr David 

I'm scared, pained, worried, troubled...

Don't let me say ...

Otherwise ..

But God knows all...

I saw a vision...


Who are we, if not for God ..

Truthfulness, faithfulness and call to duty is what God has called us for ....

Mr David ...

Am getting more scared and a little bit panicking...


Things are changing, and I guess it is for our own good..

The vision I saw ..

Ahhh... God 

I will forever praise you ...

I never had it like this before ...

Yesterday night...

As Soon as we greeted ourselves " Good Night"..

I pass through that side, I use to pass through ...

Suddenly, I saw a burning fire, from the sky, I was thinking it is a normal fire, but this one is not a normal fire ...

Immediately... A breeze come upon me...

I look back into the sky...

But I couldn't find that fire ....

What I see is ...

" Second Coming of Christ Jesus " ...

Written in a cloudy form ( somehow transparent )..

I was seeing it physically ..

But still, I was like ..

"How could this be "...

Though, I saw it ...

But, I still have this mind that 

" Could Christ come now "...

Some thoughts was coming ..

I being to ask different type of question 

" How is it possible for Christ coming now " ?

I was shocked ...

I got home ...

Unknowing to me ...

I already see an angel sitting on my bed ...

I was afraid ...

So, going near it scared me ALOT ...

I keep praying in the sitting room ...

When it was like past 10pm...

I went back to check ...

The Angel was there ( sitting ) ...

I get more scared than before ...

I was wondering ...

Could this be real...

God in Heaven ...?

I questioned myself ...

I keep praying ...

When it was something to 11...

I went to check back ...

I could not find anything again...

I was feeling somehow relief...

So I went to sleep ...


This is very very very powerful ...

I never experience this ...

In my sleep ...

Ouch 😥..

I can't bear it ...

I saw a vision ...

Unbelievers who turn to believers preaching gospel saying " Turn away from sin, and repent from your old lifestyle "...

So I stopped them..

" Saying _ 

" Why are you preaching the gospel " ...

They answered_ 

It is all about the second coming of Jesus ..

For Christ is coming ..

Repent ...


Then a voice broke out saying " Listen carefully 

Listen carefully ...

Son, Take heed to my commands and instructions ....

At the front, I was seeing a golden image, with the name " Jesus "

 The image was shining and it was so bright ..

And a voice was speaking again " Do all I have commanded you to do "... 

Reach out to people 

Set yourselves apart ...




And pray in my name ...

I responded 

" Preach the gospel ?...

The voice said _

Do has I have commanded you...

For the world is running after their own way of life ...

People in the market, church, school, prison, office are not aware of my coming " preach to the world " ...

No way of God in them ...

Take a look ...


Then, I saw a Bishop, who is prayerful, devoted, revealing secret of evil deed, fireful ... But he will not enter the kingdom of God ..

I answered 

" But what could hinder the work done on Earth " ...

He then point, Check his ways, His ways are according to my will, But he had a little stain on him, and this will hinder him from entering my kingdom ..

I cried ...

He said to me " play your own part, Before you depart ...

Now is the time ...

He said, do not take my words for granted...

Now is the time, Before it is late...

I cried 😥..

After sometimes ..

He said " Son's ! Son's ! Son's ! "..

I responded 

" Son's " ?

It was as if I was having a dialogue with him in the vision ..

He responded _

Yes, you all are Son's ..

You have levels with me ...

You are numbered...

I will reward everyone  according to your efforts on Earth...

" Listen carefully " 👂

He said ..

Again ...

He showed me the kingdom of hell...

" A rich man " suffering for the wickedness he already get involve in...

He said " for he does not know me ..." .

I cried ...


Again, he showed me the head of all demons and agent ...

The demons were worshiping him...

" Our king, Our king "..

And he was speaking 

I want you to perform a special assignment 

For people you will afflict with sin, sickness, poverty, untimely death ..

And they said ...

We bow, our king ..

And the head of all demons was saying " the end time is near, go and destroy the Earth and cause them to be without God ...

And a voice said ...

Son's, pray preach and save people from sin ..

For am with you ...

I also showed me a farmer, who is devoted, trusting God, keeping his will and winning souls for Christ ..

For he made it to his kingdom ...

He showed me a normal person in human form paddling a canoe, but in the canoe, no one was inside, suddenly I saw people from different areas entering the canoe .

But some people were far away from the canoe.

As soon as the canoe is is full, people who were far away started coming 

But unfortunately it was late...

Then I woke up ..

This is all...

Mr David 

What can we do ?...

Preaching the gospel ...?


We are called to work...


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